Saturday, June 25, 2005

Express or First Class

I love these two mail boxes. I can almost hear them saying "write me, please."


Jingtong Station

I love this sign. The color matches well with the ivy invaded wall.


Worn Bench

It's as if sooner or later, what was painted on this bench before will be forgotten completely. But no, not now.


Pile of bricks

This pile of brick was exposed under a patch of light while the section of railtrack was hidden under the shade of the tree.


Section of a forgotten railtrack

Once again, my 50mm/F1.8 has done it. The short focal depth around the railtrack resurrects this section of once forgotten railtrack.


Wooden Panel

A broken cabinet sitting in front of a nicely aged wooden panel.

I may have lived behind this wooden panel once.


Lush green in front of a house

The house owner obviously has tried to brighten his house. I love the color combination here where the reddish panels. green plants, and the bluish wall on the left make up a rarely sighted color display in this old community.

Lush green in front of a house 1/30s F/5.0

Up the winding stairway

This man is probably going home up the hill. His slightly hunched back and the folded umbrella was telling me that he, being a careful person who is always ready for disaster and who does not invite trouble into his life, after working hard for the better part of his life, is going back to his home in this small hillside village.

That moss-covered stairway somehow made me want to explore further...


Lone cargo cart

When I saw this cargo cart, it was still attached to the cart behind it. A guy unhooked its tail from its companions before my train arrived and I could almost feel how lonely it must had been at that moment. Hence this picture.


Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Truck on the Wharf

I like the composition of this picture for it captures the layered geometrical symmetry; horizontal layers of wharf and concrete paved road; wheels of the truck mirrors the rubber tyres hanging off the wharf


Sunday, June 19, 2005


I saw tthis mopad in Taipei. I love the 'de kooning'-ish wall behind.

P.S. Some of you have asked "Who is this de Kooning guy?" Here is a link to one of his works, and here is another one . You can compare his brush with this wall here.


Thursday, June 02, 2005

Sent these two to contest